
Tal vez nunca
Cuando a Warren le ofrecen la oportunidad de tener una compañera en un piso donde solo vivían chicos, acepta inmediatamente, ya que cree que puede ser un cambio interesante.

O tal vez no.

Las dudas nacen cuando su nueva compañera de piso resulta ser Bridgette, una chica aparentemente fría y calculadora. La tensión en el piso se corta con un cuchillo y ambos estallan cada vez que coinciden en una habitación. Pero Warren tiene una teoría sobre Bridgette: cree que alguien que odia con tanta intensidad tiene que ser igual de apasionada en el amor, y quiere ser la persona que ponga en práctica esa teoría. ¿Podrá Warren descongelar el corazón helado de Bridgette? ¿Será ella capaz de aprender a amar?

Tal vez algún día. O tal vez nunca.

280.00 L 140.00 L 140.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Beware of Boys
Reality TV stardom gets way too personal for Charly St. James when three of the world's hottest heartthrobs want her to be their dream come true. . .

Now that Charly's a star, she wants to give back any way she can. So she's made The Extreme Dream Team's newest mission to help three sizzling celebs' charitable foundation build a super swanky retreat for teen girls who've battled an illness. But keeping things running smoothly is next to impossible when too many ideas--and egos--collide. . .

Handsome singer Mekel is dazzling Charly with a chance to join the glitterati. Boxer Lex has powerful hood moves and charm she can't resist. And hanging around movie heartthrob Faizon has Charlie feeling movie magic. The harder Charly struggles to keep things on track, the more they're coming apart--especially when her kinda boyfriend and co-star, Liam, starts competing for her attention. Now, Charly needs to figure out fast what--and who--she really wants most. . .

290.00 L 145.00 L 145.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Tiburones insolitos
En este libro encontrarás los tiburones más grandes, los más pequeños, los más agresivos y los menos peligrosos, los más tímidos y los más atrevidos. Conocerás sus costumbres y su forma de vida, sus características físicas, su hábitats y su alimentación, y también datos y récords curiosos, acompañados de imágenes impresionantes. Todo ello te hará comprender mejor a estos depredadores insaciables.

300.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
American Dirt / Tierra americana
«Una historia desgarradora sobre la supervivencia, el peligro y el amor.»

The New York Times

«Una novela que dispara el corazón del lector y también su adrenalina, le hace devorar sus páginas y le mantiene en vela hasta las tres de la madrugada.»

Los Ángeles Times

Lydia Quijano Pérez vive en Acapulco, México, donde regenta una librería. Tiene un hijo de ocho años, Luca, el amor de su vida, y un maravilloso esposo que es periodista. Y aunque la situación en Acapulco comienza a agrietarse debido a los cárteles de la droga, Lydia lleva una vida confortable.

Un día llega un hombre a la librería y compra cuatro libros, entre los que se encuentran dos de las obras favoritas de Lydia, que pensaba que nunca se iban a vender. Javier es erudito y encantador. Lo que Lydia no sabe es que es también el jefe del nuevo cártel que se ha apoderado de la ciudad. Cuando el esposo de Lydia publica un revelador artículo sobre Javier en el periódico local, la vida de Lydia y su familia cambiará para siempre.

Forzados a huir y convertidos en migrantes, Lydia y Luca pronto se encuentran a kilómetros de su cómoda existencia. Viajan en La Bestia, nombre con el que se conocen los trenes que se dirigen hacia Estados Unidos, el único lugar donde Javier no podrá encontrarlos. Cuando se unen a las innumerables personas que intentan llegar al norte, Lydia se da cuenta de que todos huyen de algo. Pero ¿hacia qué huyen exactamente?

330.00 L 165.00 L 165.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Astonishing Color of After
Leigh Chen Sanders is absolutely certain about one thing: When her mother died by suicide, she turned into a bird.
Leigh, who is half Asian and half white, travels to Taiwan to meet hermaternal grandparents for the first time. There, she is determined tofind her mother, the bird. In her search, she winds up chasing afterghosts, uncovering family secrets, and forging a new relationship withher grandparents. And as she grieves, she must try to reconcile the fact that on the same day she kissed her best friend and longtime secretcrush, Axel, her mother was taking her own life.
Alternating between reality and magic, past and present, hope and despair, The Astonishing Color of After is a luminous debut novel about finding oneself through family history, art, bravery, and love.
340.00 L 170.00 L 170.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
La vida no es una película en la que los superhéroes vienen a rescatarnos de todos los males y, muchas veces, de nosotros mismos. La buena noticia es que tú puedes convertirte en tu propio superhéroe: solo tienes que creértelo y encender tu superpoder interior para empezar a cambiar tu vida y el mundo a tu alrededor. No va a ser fácil. Seguramente te vas a perder por el camino, tendrás que enfrentarte a muchísimos miedos y revivir muchas heridas para convertirlas en fortalezas. En este libro, Regina Carrot, tu coach de vida, va a darte las herramientas para que centres tus propósitos, para que entiendas que los obstáculos te transforman y para que te des cuenta de que tu fuego interior -tu superpoder- siempre ha estado ahí, escondido tras miedos y excusas. Todos los superhéroes han tenido que perderse para encontrar a esa persona que están destinados a ser. Y tú también vas a tener que perderte en el bosque de tus emociones y decisiones para seguir adelante. Pero no tengas miedo. ¡Conviértete en indomable!

350.00 L 175.00 L 175.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
El camino de vuelta a casa
"Meditar no es cantar un mantra, tampoco es rezar, simplemente es volver a casa y descansar un poco." OSHO Todos hemos experimentado momentos de "llegar a casa" y sentirnos relajados, centrados y sin las inquietudes características de nuestra vida diaria. Con las técnicas, parábolas y meditaciones de Volver a casa, estos raros momentos de "sentirse en casa" se pueden convertir en una constante que impregne todos los aspectos de nuestras vidas.

380.00 L 190.00 L 190.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Champions: Worlds Collide
Worlds collide as the Champions come face-to-face with the Avengers! The countdown for a clash of generations begins when the twisted High Evolutionary sets the Earth on a catastrophic collision course with its opposite number: the unnatural Counter-Earth! Can the two teams put their turbulent history aside to meet this planetary threat - or will they be at each other's throats? And assuming they can find a way to work together, can even this awesome assemblage of heroes save two entire planets from destruction? Our young squad might not all make it out of this in one piece - which can mean only one thing: time for a membership drive! Pretty much every teen crimefighter wants to be a Champion for a day - but who will make the grade when the new order changeth?

Champions (2016) 13-18, Avengers (2017) 672-674

390.00 L 195.00 L 195.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Cake Pops, Cookie Pops y Tartas Decoradas
La llamada repostería divertida o de fantasía ha cruzado fronteras desde Estados Unidos conquistando el paladar internacional con piezas tan apetecibles como los cake pops, deliciosas piruletas rellenas de bizcocho y bañadas en chocolate con una decoración muy atractiva. Lo mismo puede decirse de las cookie pops, galletas con palito que se presentan con todo tipo de formas, sabores y colores y de las tartas decoradas tan espectaculares que parecen una pequeña escultura.

420.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Maybe Not
When Warren has the opportunity to live with a female roommate, he instantly agrees. It could be an exciting change.

Or maybe not.

Especially when that roommate is the cold and seemingly calculating Bridgette. Tensions run high and tempers flare as the two can hardly stand to be in the same room together. But Warren has a theory about Bridgette: anyone who can hate with that much passion should also have the capability to love with that much passion. And he wants to be the one to test this theory.

Will Bridgette find it in herself to warm her heart to Warren and finally learn to love?


Maybe not.

420.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
La noche viene sin ti
En La noche viene sin ti Julio Prado pone al servicio de la literatura su testimonio, mientras intenta rescatar la humanidad de los niños y niñas que fueron vendidos y que ahora, ya adultos, en algún momento se preguntarán quiénes son, quiénes fueron sus padres y por qué terminaron en adopción.
420.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Chocolate: Pasion irresistible
Degustado con pasión desde la infancia, es posible que el chocolate sea de los pocos alimentos que siguen siendo irresistibles con el paso de loa años. Y es, además, una tentación mucho más saludable y beneficiosa de lo que pensamos. Todos los caprichos de la repostería con chocolate, se presentan como un regalo en las deliciosas recetas de este libro.
420.00 L 210.00 L 210.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Muffins & Cupcakes
Un muffin es un bizcochito horneado que puede llevar diferentes rellenos dulces o salados, mientras que el cupcake presenta la misma base de bizcocho, pero se camufla bajo una cobertura. Con las sencillas recetas y originales decoraciones de los muffins y cupcakes de este libro podemos personalizar cualquier celebración, ya sean fiestas tradicionales o fiestas familiares.

420.00 L 420.00 L 420.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Como ganar en China
Si Amazon, que esperaba un crecimiento de doble dígito en China, cerró suspuertas en este país en 2019, ¿entonces quién sí puede triunfar en el gigante asiático? A través de ocho fascinantes y reveladores casos,los expertos de Wharton exploran el desempeño de Hyundai, LinkedIn, Sequoia Capital, InMobi, Norwegian Cruise Line, Zegna,Intel y Amazon en territorio chino. Con base en un marco de referenciacon criterios bien establecidos, ofrecen una guía para las compañías que buscan sumar a sus utilidades la enorme demanda de 1 400 de millones de chinos. Además, responden cuatro preguntas críticas: ¿Qué factores explican el éxito (o fracaso) de las empresas extranjeras que entran a China? ¿Qué retos y peligros encontrará una empresa que decide iniciar operaciones en este territorio? ¿Qué decisiones de gestión son críticas y qué enfoques son los más efectivos? ¿Cómo una empresa que tiene intención de entrar a China puede medir sus probabilidades de éxito? Conoce estos ocho casos de empresas multinacionales en China y descubre el camino más seguro para abrir tu negocio a la economía más grande del mundo con éxito.

440.00 L 220.00 L 220.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The match
A shocking genetic match exposes a family's darkest secret in this gripping #1 New York Times bestselling thriller from the creator of the #1 hit Netflix series Stay Close

After months away, Wilde has returned to the Ramapo Mountains in the wake of a failed bid at domesticity that confirms what he's known all along: He belongs on his own, free from the comforts and constraints of modern life.

Suddenly, a DNA match on an online ancestry database brings Wilde closer to his past than he's ever dreamed, and finally gives Wilde the opening he needs to track down his father. But meeting the man brings up more questions than answers. So Wilde reaches out to his last, most desperate lead, a second cousin who disappears as quickly as he resurfaces, having experienced an epic fall from grace that can only be described as a waking nightmare.

Was his cousin's downfall a long time coming? Or was he the victim of a conspiracy as cunning as it is complex? And how does it all connect to the man once known as The Stranger, a treacherous fugitive with a growing following whose mission and methods have only turned more dangerous with time?

460.00 L 230.00 L 230.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Dream Town
rcher’s investigation takes him from the rich, glamorous and glitzy LA to the seedy, dark side of the city, and onward to the gambling mecca of Las Vegas, just now hitting its stride as a hot spot for celebrities and a money-making machine for the mob. In a place where cops and crooks work hand in hand, Archer will cross paths with Hollywood stars, politicians and notorious criminals. He’ll almost die several times, and he’ll discover bodies and secrets from the canyons and beaches of Malibu and the luxurious mansions of Bel Air and Beverly Hills to the narcotics clubs of Chinatown.

With the help of Liberty and his PI partner Willie Dash, Archer will risk everything and leave no stone unturned in finding the missing Eleanor Lamb, and in bringing to justice killers who would love nothing better than to plant Archer six feet under.

460.00 L 230.00 L 230.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Every Last Lie
New York Times bestselling author of THE GOOD GIRL Mary Kubica is back with another exhilarating thriller as a widow’s pursuit of the truth leads her to the darkest corners of the psyche.

Clara Solberg’s world shatters when her husband and their four-year-old daughter are in a car crash, killing Nick while Maisie is remarkably unharmed. The crash is ruled an accident…until the coming days, when Maisie starts having night terrors that make Clara question what really happened on that fateful afternoon.

Tormented by grief and her obsession that Nick’s death was far more than just an accident, Clara is plunged into a desperate hunt for the truth. Who would have wanted Nick dead? And, more important, why? Clara will stop at nothing to find out—and the truth is only the beginning of this twisted tale of secrets and deceit.

Told in the alternating perspectives of Clara’s investigation and Nick’s last months leading up to the crash, master of suspense Mary Kubica weaves her most chilling thriller to date—one that explores the dark recesses of a mind plagued by grief and shows that some secrets might be better left buried.
460.00 L 460.00 L 460.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
That Summer
Daisy Shoemaker can’t sleep. With a thriving cooking business, full schedule of volunteer work, and a beautiful home in the Philadelphia suburbs, she should be content. But her teenage daughter can be a handful, her husband can be distant, her work can feel trivial, and she has lots of acquaintances, but no real friends. Still, Daisy knows she’s got it good. So why is she up all night?

While Daisy tries to identify the root of her dissatisfaction, she’s also receiving misdirected emails meant for a woman named Diana Starling, whose email address is just one punctuation mark away from her own. While Daisy’s driving carpools, Diana is chairing meetings. While Daisy’s making dinner, Diana’s making plans to reorganize corporations. Diana’s glamorous, sophisticated, single-lady life is miles away from Daisy’s simpler existence. When an apology leads to an invitation, the two women meet and become friends. But, as they get closer, we learn that their connection was not completely accidental. Who IS this other woman, and what does she want with Daisy?

460.00 L 230.00 L 230.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Cabinet of Dr. Leng

Astoundingly, Constance has found a way back to the place of her origins: New York City in the late 1800s. She leaps at the chance to return…although it means leaving the present forever.


Constance sets off on a quest to prevent the events that lead to the deaths of her sister and brother. But along the road to redemption, Manhattan’s most infamous serial killer, Dr. Enoch Leng, lies in wait, ready to strike at the slightest provocation.


Meanwhile, in contemporary New York, Pendergast feverishly searches for a way to reunite with Constance—but will he discover a way back to her before it’s too late?

470.00 L 235.00 L 235.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Last Hours 3: Chain of Thorns
Cordelia Carstairs has lost everything that matters to her. In only a few short weeks, she has seen her father murdered, her plans to become parabatai with her best friend, Lucie, destroyed, and her marriage to James Herondale crumble before her eyes. Even worse, she is now bound to an ancient demon, Lilith, stripping her of her power as a Shadowhunter.

After fleeing to Paris with Matthew Fairchild, Cordelia hopes to forget her sorrows in the city’s glittering nightlife. But reality intrudes when shocking news comes from home: Tatiana Blackthorn has escaped the Adamant Citadel, and London is under new threat by the Prince of Hell, Belial.

Cordelia returns to a London riven by chaos and dissent. The long-kept secret that Belial is James and Lucie’s grandfather has been revealed by an unexpected enemy, and the Herondales find themselves under suspicion of dealings with demons. Cordelia longs to protect James but is torn between a love for James she has long believed hopeless, and the possibility of a new life with Matthew. Nor can her friends help—ripped apart by their own secrets, they seem destined to face what is coming alone.

For time is short, and Belial’s plan is about to crash into the Shadowhunters of London like a deadly wave, one that will separate Cordelia, Lucie, and the Merry Thieves from help of any kind. Left alone in a shadowy London, they must face Belial’s deadly army. If Cordelia and her friends are going to save their city—and their families—they will have to muster their courage, swallow their pride, and trust one another again. For if they fail, they may lose everything—even their souls.

470.00 L 235.00 L 235.0 HNL Añadir al carrito