
Who was Wofgang Amadeus Mozart
Born in Austria in 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed his first piece of music, a minuet, when he was just five years old! Soon after, he was performing for kings and emperors. Although he died at the young age of thirty-five, Mozart left a legacy of more than 600 works. This fascinating biography charts the musician's extraordinary career and personal life while painting a vivid cultural history of eighteenth-century Europe. Black-and-white illustrations on every spread explore such topics as the history of opera and the evolution of musical instruments. There is also a timeline and a bibliography.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who was Helen Keller
At age two, Helen Keller became deaf and blind. She lived in a world of silence and darkness and she spent the rest of her life struggling to break through it. But with the help of teacher Annie Sullivan, Helen learned to read, write, and do many amazing things. This inspiring illustrated biography is perfect for young middle-grade readers. Black-and-white line drawings throughout, sidebars on related topics such as Louis Braille, a timeline, and a bibliography enhance readers' understanding of the subject.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who was Eleanor Roosevelt
For a long time, the main role of First Ladies was to act as hostesses of the White House...until Eleanor Roosevelt.  Born in 1884, Eleanor was not satisfied to just be a glorified hostess for her husband, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.  Eleanor had a voice, and she used it to speak up against poverty and racism.  She had experience and knowledge of many issues, and fought for laws to help the less fortunate.  She had passion, energy, and a way of speaking that made people listen, and she used these gifts to campaign for her husband and get him elected president-four times!  A fascinating historical figure in her own right, Eleanor Roosevelt changed the role of First Lady forever.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who was Alexander Graham Bell
Did you know that Bell's amazing invention--the telephone--stemmed from his work on teaching the deaf? Both his mother and wife were deaf. Or, did you know that in later years he refused to have a telephone in his study? Bell's story will fascinate young readers interested in the early history of modern technology!
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who Was Abraham Lincoln
Born to a family of farmers, Lincoln stood out from an early age—literally! (He was six feet four inches tall.) As sixteenth President of the United States, he guided the nation through the Civil War and saw the abolition of slavery. But Lincoln was tragically shot one night at Ford’s Theater—the first President to be assassinated. Over 100 black-and-white illustrations and maps are included.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who Was Neil Armstrong
On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon and, to an audience of over 450 million people, proclaimed his step a "giant leap for mankind." This Eagle Scout built his own model planes as a little boy and then grew up to be a test pilot for experimental aircraft before becoming an astronaut. Over 80 black-and-white illustrations bring Armstrong's story to life.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who Was Rosa Parks
In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give her bus seat to a white passenger in Montgomery, Alabama. This seemingly small act triggered civil rights protests across America and earned Rosa Parks the title "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement." This biography has black-and-white illustrations throughout.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who Was William Shakespeare
The beloved plays of Shakespeare are still produced everywhere, yet the life of the world's most famous playwright remains largely a mystery. Young Will left the town of Stratford to pursue theater in London, where his work eventually thrived and made him a famous and wealthy man. With black-and-white illustrations that include a diagram of the famous Globe theater, Celeste Davidson Mannis puts together the pieces of Shakespeare's life and work for young readers.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who Was Martin Luther King Jr
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was only 25 when he helped organize the Montgomery Bus Boycott and was soon organizing black people across the country in support of the right to vote, desegregation, and other basic civil rights. Maintaining nonviolent and peaceful tactics even when his life was threatened, King was also an advocate for the poor and spoke out against racial and economic injustice until his death—from an assassin's bullet—in 1968. With clearly written text that explains this tumultuous time in history and 80 black-and-white illustrations, this Who Was? celebrates the vision and the legacy of a remarkable man.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who was - Albert Einstein
Everyone has heard of Albert Einstein-but what exactly did he do? How much do kids really know about Albert Einstein besides the funny hair and genius label? For instance, do they know that he was expelled from school as a kid? Finally, here's the story of Albert Einstein's life, told in a fun, engaging way that clearly explores the world he lived in and changed.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who was Leonardo Da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was a gifted painter, talented musician, and dedicated scientist and inventor, designing flying machines, submarines, and even helicopters.  Yet he had a hard time finishing things, a problem anyone can relate to.  Only thirteen paintings are known to be his; as for the illustrated encyclopedia he intended to create, all that he left were thousands of disorganized notebook pages.  Here is an accessible portrait of a fascinating man who lived at a fascinating time—Italy during the Renaissance.
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Campamento de espias
¡La Academia de Espionaje tiene campamento de verano! Cuando Ben Ripley termina su primer año en la Academia de Espionaje, tiene unas ganas tremendas de pasar el verano en el mundo real, donde los asesinos no acechan al doblar de cada esquina y los niños pueden comportarse como niños. Así que resulta una verdadera sorpresa cuando le dicen que tiene que asistir a una escuela de verano ubicada en un rústico campamento en medio de la naturaleza, donde debe participar en un riguroso entrenamiento de supervivencia. Pero ARAÑA, la organización enemiga, sigue empeñada en perseguir a Ben, y ha infiltrado un topo en el campamento. ¿Podrán Ben y sus amigos aniquilar al enemigo antes de que este aniquile a Ben?

260.00 L 260.00 L 260.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Kitty y la desaparicion misteriosa
Kitty tiene que cuidar a Marvin, el hámster de su amiga Emily, durante un fin de semana entero. ¡Pero todo se complica cuando Marvin desaparece! ¿Qué le habrá pasado?
Para descubrirlo, Kitty deberá seguir su rastro y llevarle de vuelta a casa... ¡sano y salvo!
¿Conseguirá Kitty solucionar el misterio antes de que acabe la noche?

260.00 L 260.00 L 260.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
100 Enigmas para entrenar tu mente
Códigos encriptados, Acertijos matemáticos, Problemas de lógica, Adivinanzas, Jeroglíficos, Preguntas ingeniosas, Rompecabezas imposibles... ¡y mucho más!

270.00 L 270.00 L 270.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
26 Cuentos del mundo
En este libro encontrarás 26 historias de países de todo el mundo. ¡Prepárate para compartir relatos emocionantes y divertidos!

280.00 L 280.00 L 280.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
101 preguntas y curiosidades sobre el universo
¡Acompáñanos en esta expedición!

En este libro encontrarás la respuesta a divertidas preguntas y asombrosas curiosidades sobre el universo para compartir en familia.

Incluye diploma de experto.

280.00 L 280.00 L 280.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
101 preguntas y curiosidades sobre animales
¡Acompáñanos en esta aventura!

En este libro encontrarás la respuesta a divertidas preguntas y asombrosas curiosidades sobre animales para compartir en familia.

Incluye diploma de experto.

280.00 L 280.00 L 280.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
101 Preguntas y curiosidades sobre ciencia
Acompáñanos en esta investigación!

En este libro encontrarás la respuesta a divertidas preguntas y asombrosas curiosidades sobre el mundo de la ciencia para compartir en familia.

Incluye diploma de experto.

280.00 L 280.00 L 280.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
101 Preguntas y curiosidades sobre dinosaurios
¡Acompáñanos en esta búsqueda!

En este libro encontrarás la respuesta a divertidas preguntas y asombrosas curiosidades sobre dinosaurios para compartir en familia.

Incluye diploma de experto.

280.00 L 280.00 L 280.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Encanto. Diario familiar
Encanto, la magia de las familias

"¿Qué nos hace especiales a mi familia y a mí?".

Solemos hacernos esta pregunta en diferentes momentos de la vida y a veces no sabemos cómo responder. ¡Pero no te preocupes! Este libro de actividades te permitirá acercarte a tus seres queridos para que puedas empezar a descubrir los poderes que tu familia y tú tienen.

Recordar tradiciones es una forma de viajar en el tiempo, abrazar a un ser querido puede cambiar su estado de ánimo y dar las gracias o pedir perdón ayuda a sanar un corazón. Con estas actividades diseñadas para que participen todos tus seres queridos, entenderás que la magia tiene muchas presentaciones y solo necesitamos un poquito de imaginación para descubrirla.

Gracias a este libro inspirado en Encanto, descubrirás que todas las familias y cada uno de sus integrantes tienen magia.

280.00 L 280.00 L 280.0 HNL Añadir al carrito