
La señora Dalloway
La novela más popular de la autora de Una habitación propia.Virginia Woolf es una de las autoras más relevantes de la literatura del siglo XX.Clarissa Dalloway es una mujer de cincuenta y dos años de la alta sociedad londinense, casada con un diputado conservador del parlamento británico y madre de una hija adolescente. Un día de junio de 1923, se prepara para dar una fiesta en su casa aquella misma noche. Allí se rencontrará con amigos que hace muchos años que no ve. Mientras pasea por las calles londinenses ultimando los preparativos, Clarissa se encuentra inmersa en sus propios recuerdos y examina las decisiones que ha tomado a lo largo de su vida, como su romance de infancia con Peter Walsh.Pasado, presente y futuro se entretejen en este relato que, a través de las complejas vidas interiores de sus personajes, consigue explorar los límites de la experiencia humana. Por su narrativa cargada de lirismo, capaz de reseguir con maestría los monólogos interiores de los protagonistas, y su reivindicación de la condición femenina, La señora Dalloway se ha convertido en una de las novelas más revolucionarias e imprescindibles del siglo XX.
340.00 L 340.00 L 340.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Las flores del mal
Una de las obras poéticas fundamentales de la literatura universal.Papeles de amor y de odio, esas figuras femeninas que siempre vemos en función de la distorsionada y delirante obsesión del poeta. Todas ellas, con sus embrollos, su egoísmo, su zafiedad, ¿cómo podían convivir con Baudelaire? ¿Cómo iban a comprender algo de ese vendaval de truculencia provocadora, esa mezcla de lo ruin y de lo ideal que le distingue? Nadie estuvo a la altura de las circunstancias, pero era mucho pedirles, eran simples comparsas de teatrillos de bulevar, prostitutas, musas venales con ciertas pretensiones de distinción, y el poeta pedía todo el rugir del infierno y el azul de lo sublime, todo a la vez, y era mucho pedir.Papeles de sumisión y de rebeldía, siempre bien establecidos y perseverantes. Odia al bueno de maître Ancelle, y en el fondo le quiere y le necesita; como se desborda en elogios hiperbólicos con Victor Hugo —ausente y ya coronado de gloria en vida—, aunque en el fondo, y al final lo reconoce explícitamente, le detesta como escritor y abomina la lamentable comedia de su representatividad cívica.”
240.00 L 240.00 L 240.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Le Morte D'Arthur
To the modern eye, King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table have many similarities to our own contemporary super-heroes. Equipped with magical powers, enchanted swords, super-strength, and countless villains to take on, they protect the weak and innocent and adhere to their own code of honor. Comparing Batman, Superman, and Captain America to Sir Launcelot, Sir Tristram, and Sir Galahad isn't a huge leap of the imagination.

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Leaves of Grass
Ralph Waldo Emerson issued a call for a great poet to capture and immortalize the unique American experience. In 1855, an answer came with Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass.

Today, this masterful collection remains not only a seminal event in American literature but also the incomparable achievement of one of America’s greatest poets—an exuberant, passionate man who loved his country and wrote of it as no other has ever done. Walt Whitman was a singer, thinker, visionary, and citizen extraordinaire. Thoreau called Whitman “probably the greatest democrat that ever lived,” and Emerson judged Leaves of Grass as “the most extraordinary piece of wit and wisdom America has yet contributed.”

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Les miserables
ntroducing one of the most famous characters in literature, Jean Valjean—the noble peasant imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread—Les Misérables ranks among the greatest novels of all time. In it, Victor Hugo takes readers deep into the Parisian underworld, immerses them in a battle between good and evil, and carries them to the barricades during the uprising of 1832 with a breathtaking realism that is unsurpassed in modern prose.

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Life on the Mississippi
Hannibal, Missouri, on the banks of the Mississippi River, was host to riverboat travelers from around the world, providing a vigorous and variable atmosphere for the young Samuel Clemens to absorb. Clemens became a riverboat pilot and even chose his pen name—Mark Twain—from a term boatmen would call out signifying water depth at two fathoms, meaning safe clearance for travel. It was from this background that Life on the Mississippi emerged. It is an epochal record of America’s growth, a stirring remembrance of her vanished past. And it earned for its author his first recognition as a serious writer.

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Little Men
At Plumfield, an experimental school for boys, the little scholars can do very much as they please, even slide down banisters. For this is what writer Jo Bhaer, once Jo March of Little Women, always wanted: a house “swarming with boys…in all stages of…effervescence.” At the end of Little Women, Jo inherited the Plumfield estate from her diamond-in-the-rough Aunt March. Now she and her husband, Professor Bhaer, provide their irrepressible charges with a very different sort of education—and much love. In fact, Jo confesses, she hardly knows “which I like best, writing or boys.” Here is the story of the ragged orphan Nat, spoiled Stuffy, wild Dan, and all the other lively inhabitants of Plumfield, whose adventures have captivated generations of readers.

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Little Women
Generations of readers young and old, male and female, have fallen in love with the March sisters of Louisa May Alcott's most popular and enduring novel, Little Women. Here are talented tomboy and author-to-be Jo, tragically frail Beth, beautiful Meg, and romantic, spoiled Amy, united in their devotion to each other and their struggles to survive in New England during the Civil War. It is no secret that Alcott based Little Women on her own early life.

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Little women
Chiltern creates the most beautiful editions of the World’s finest literature.
Your favourite classic titles in a way you have never seen them before; the tactile layers, fine details and beautiful colours of these remarkable covers make these titles feel extra special and will look striking on any shelf.

This book has matching lined and blank journals (sold separately). They make a great gift when paired together but are also just as beautiful on their own.

Louisa May Alcott's Little Women follows the lives, loves and tribulations of four sisters (Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy) growing up during the American Civil War. The story is based on the childhood experiences Alcott shared with her real-life sisters, Anna, May and Elizabeth.

The March family live in a small house next door to the Laurence mansion, where young Theodore Laurence, known as Laurie, and his aged grandfather have only each other for company. Old Mr. Laurence is wealthy, and he indulges every wish of his grandson, but often Laurie is lonely. When the lamps are lit and the shades are up in the March house, he can see the four March sisters, with their mother in the center, seated around a cheerful fire. He learns to know them by name before he meets them, and, in his imagination, he almost feels himself a member of the family.

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Lord Of The Flies
At the dawn of the next world war, a plane crashes on an uncharted island, stranding a group of schoolboys. At first, with no adult supervision, their freedom is something to celebrate. This far from civilization they can do anything they want. Anything. But as order collapses, as strange howls echo in the night, as terror begins its reign, the hope of adventure seems as far removed from reality as the hope of being rescued.

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Los amores imparables
En Los amores imparables cada beso es nuevo, de una raza diferente; cada polvo es el primero; cada lágrima, una nueva forma de mirar la lluvia; cada herida, para siempre. El amor imparable nace y se independiza de la razón. Es la elevación del verbo sentir a la categoría de arte supremo.Es un amor imposible de domesticar, que está varios palmos por encima del asombro, que no tiene medida. Creo que ya sabes de qué amores hablo, de esos amores bárbaros que te hacen soñar y no te dejan dormir, de esos amores que te llevan a todas partes pero jamás te llevan a ningún lugar.» MarwanEste libro lo componen amores tormentosos, pasionales y en carne viva. Poemas emocionantes que buscan lectores cómplices, lectores dispuestos a dejarse tocar el corazón y ponerse a volar junto a su autor en un viaje por los sentimient
490.00 L 490.00 L 490.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
One of the most prominent plays of Shakespeare, Macbeth revolves around the life of a brave Scottish general whose ambition overrides his loyalty when three witches prophesy that he will one day become the King of Scotland.

Encouraged by his wife, Macbeth murders Duncan and seizes the throne but the guilt and terror of his crime torments his soul. Will Macbeth keep committing murders to satisfy his power hunger or take the route of redemption?

170.00 L 170.00 L 170.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Madame Bovary
Objeto de escándalo en su momento, la novela hubo de sortear la censura del régimen de Napoleón III y sentó las bases del realismo literario. Emma Bovary representa la rebelión contra el encorsetamiento que impone la opresiva sociedad burguesa de la Francia rural decimonónica y su profunda insatisfacción vital. Emma huye de un matrimonio infeliz, pero también de un mundo que no está hecho a su medida, de una época que no es la suya. «Luego sería preciso inventar una historia para explicarle a Bovary lo ocurrido… Pero ¿cuál?»
760.00 L 760.00 L 760.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Madame Bovary
La historia trágica de una joven de provincia que busca inútilmente la felicidad.Una de las decimonónicas obras maestras de la literatura francesa, que continúa cautivando lectores.Insatisfecha de la cotidianidad de su vida como ama de casa, Emma Bovary se cuestiona día a día el sentido de su existencia. Es hasta que Rodolphe, un elegante hombre de mundo, la seduce cuando está convencida de que ha encontrado la razón vivir en esta pasión; sin embargo, le costará comprender que vive en un mundo ilusorio de amores y riquezas falsos.
460.00 L 460.00 L 460.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Madame Bovary
Both embodiment and victim of the self-satisfied nineteenth-century French bourgeoisie, Emma Bovary lives in pursuit of something more, like the world depicted in the romance novels that have come to define her. Emma is oblivious to the realities of life, and her romantic delusions and search for transcendence through sex, money, and social position serve only to drive the increasingly troubled woman into an irreversible moral, emotional, and spiritual decline.

290.00 L 290.00 L 290.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Mansfiel park
Adopted into the household of her uncle, Sir Thomas Bertram, Fanny Price grows up a meek outsider among her cousins in the unaccustomed elegance of Mansfield Park. Soon after Sir Thomas absents himself on estate business in Antigua (the family's investment in slavery and sugar is considered in the Introduction in a new, post-colonial light), Mary Crawford and her brother Henry arrive at Mansfield, bringing with them London glamour, and the seductive taste for flirtation and theatre that precipitates a crisis.

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Meditations: The Annotated Edition
This definitive annotated translation of Marcus Aurelius's Meditations is an insightful look into the mind of Ancient Rome's sixteenth emperor.
540.00 L 540.00 L 540.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Moby Dick
Moby Dick is a novel by American writer Herman Melville, published in 1851 during the period of the American Renaissance. Sailor Ishmael tells the story of the obsessive quest of Ahab, captain of the whaler the Pequod, for revenge on Moby Dick, the white whale that on the previous whaling voyage bit off Ahab's leg at the knee. The novel was a commercial failure and out of print at the time of the author's death in 1891, but during the 20th century, its reputation as a Great American Novel was established. William Faulkner confessed he wished he had written it himself, and D. H. Lawrence called it "one of the strangest and most wonderful books in the world", and "the greatest book of the sea ever written". "Call me Ishmael" is among world literature's most famous opening sentences.

170.00 L 170.00 L 170.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Mrs Dalloway*Chiltern
This is the remarkable story of a day in the life of one woman, Clarissa Dalloway, the people in her circle, and those touching upon her friends and acquaintances.

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