
Who Was John F Kennedy
The man who saved the lives of his PT-109 crewmen during WWII and became the 35th president fought-and won-his first battle at the age of two-and-a-half, when he was stricken with scarlet fever. Although his presidency was cut short, our nation's youngest elected leader left an indelible mark on the American consciousness and now is profiled in our Who Was...? series. Included are 100 black-and-white illustrations as well as a timeline that guides readers through this eventful period in history.

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Who Was Franklin Roosevelt
Although polio left him wheelchair bound, Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office during the Great Depression and served as president during World War II. Elected four times, he spent thirteen years in the White House. How he led the country through tremendously difficult problems, much like the ones facing America today, makes for a timely and engrossing biography.

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Who Was Ernest Shackleton
As a boy he preferred reading sea stories to doing homework and, at age 16, became an apprentice seaman. Subsequently, Ernest Shackleton’s incredible journeys to the South Pole in the early 1900s made him one of the most famous explorers of modern times. His courage in the face of dangerous conditions and unforeseeable tragedies reveal the great leader that he was. His historic 1914 journey aboard the Endurance has all the drama of an action movie.

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Who Was Daniel Boone
Called the "Great Pathfinder", Daniel Boone is most famous for opening up the West to settlers through Kentucky. A symbol of America's pioneering spirit Boone was a skilled outdoorsman and an avid reader although he never attended school. Sydelle Kramer skillfully recounts Boone's many adventures such as the day he rescued his own daughter from kidnappers.

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Who Was Christopher Columbus
Learn all about Christopher Columbus' early life at sea, which led him to seek fortune by sailing west in hopes of creating new trade routes with the Indies. Kids will read about why he called himself the "Great Admirald of the Seas" and learn of all his struggles to find finacial support for his voyage.

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Who Was Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin was the scientist who, with the help of a kite, discovered that lightning is electricity. He was also a statesman, an inventor, a printer, and an author-a man of such amazingly varied talents that some people claimed he had magical powers! Full of all the details kids will want to know, the true story of Benjamin Franklin is by turns sad and funny, but always honest and awe-inspiring.

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Who Was Babe Ruth
Just in time for baseball season!

Babe Ruth came from a poor Baltimore family and, as a kid, he was a handful. It was at a reform school that Babe discovered his talent for baseball, and by the age of nineteen, he was on his way to becoming a sports legend. Babe was often out of shape and even more often out on the town, but he had a big heart and an even bigger swing! Kids will learn all about the Home Run King in this rags-to- riches sports biography. With black-and-white illustrations throughout, a true sports legend is brought to life.

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Who Was Annie Oakley
You want girl power? Meet Annie Oakley! Born in 1860, she became one of the best-loved and most famous women of her generation. She amazed audiences all over the world with her sharpshooting, horse-riding, action-packed performances. In an age when most women stayed home, she traveled the world and forged a new image for American women.

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Who Is Taylor Swift
Learn how a young girl who lived on a Christmas tree farm grew up to become one of the most celebrated musical artists of the twenty-first century in this addition to the #1 New York Times bestselling series.

Taylor Swift always knew she wanted to be a country music artist, so at age thirteen, she convinced her parents to move their family out of Pennsylvania to Nashville.

As a singer, songwriter, and guitarist, Taylor wrote songs about teenage heartbreak and fitting in with her peers, and she performed these and other tunes at open mic nights and karaoke events. Breaking into the music industry took longer than she expected because record executives thought there was no place in country music for her songs. But Taylor was fearless and proved them wrong.

Since the release of her self-titled debut album in 2006, Taylor Swift has dominated the music charts, reinvented her sound, won numerous awards, shaken off public criticism, and spoken up for herself and others.

Whether you're a lifelong Swiftie or someone who just loves learning about musicians, this enchanting book will teach you all about the experiences that helped Taylor Swift become the successful superstar many kids and adults looks up to.

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Who Is Steven Spielberg
While other kids played sports, Steven Spielberg was writing scripts and figuring out camera angles. He went from entertaining his Boy Scout troop with home movies to amazing audiences around the world with epic blockbusters. He has directed four of the most successful films of all time and has won two Academy Awards for Best Director. From Jaws to Lincoln, young readers and aspiring filmmakers will be fascinated by the life of this famous director.

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Who Is Michael Phelps
ind out how a mischievous boy became a phenomenal swimmer and the greatest Olympian of all time in this inspiring addition to the #1 New York Times bestselling Who Was? series!

Born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland, Michael Phelps began swimming at age seven at the urging of his mom. As a young boy, Michael was brimming with energy--more energy than most other kids his age--and Mrs. Phelps thought this sport could help keep him calm and focused. As Michael grew older, his skills improved, and he transformed into one of the greatest swimmers in the world, winning twenty-eight Olympic medals.

Outside of the pool, Michael became an advocate for mental and physical health for adults and children. He even founded an organization that teaches water safety and promotes healthy living. Young readers can learn more about Michael Phelps's thriving legacy in this illustrated middle-grade biography.

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Who Is Jane Goodall
A life in the wild!

Jane Goodall, born in London, England, always loved animals and wanted to study them in their natural habitats. So at age twenty-six, off she went to Africa! Goodall's up-close observations of chimpanzees changed what we know about them and paved the way for many female scientists who came after her. Now her story comes to life in this biography with black-and-white illustrations throughout.

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When Grumpy Met Sunshine
A steamy, opposites-attract romance with undeniable chemistry between a grumpy retired footballer and his fabulous and very sunshine-y ghostwriter.

When grumpy ex-footballer Alfie Harding gets badgered into selling his memoirs, he knows he’s never going to be able to write them. He hates revealing a single thing about himself, is allergic to most emotions, and can’t imagine doing a good job of putting pen to paper.

And so in walks curvy, cheery, cute as heck ghostwriter Mabel Willicker, who knows just how to sunshine and sass her way into getting every little detail out of Alfie. They banter and bicker their way to writing his life story, both of them sure they’ll never be anything other than at odds.

But after their business arrangement is mistaken for a budding romance, the pair have to pretend to be an item for a public who’s ravenous for more of this Cinderella story. Or at least, it feels like it’s pretend—until each slow burn step in their fake relationship sparks a heat neither can control. Now they just have to decide: is this sizzling chemistry just for show? Or something so real it might just give them their fairytale ending?

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What Was the March on Washington
On August 28, 1963, more than 200,000 people gathered in Washington, DC, to demand equal rights for all races. It was there that Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech, and it was this peaceful protest that spurred the momentous civil rights laws of the mid-1960s. With black-and-white artwork throughout and sixteen pages of photographs, the March is brought to life!

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What Was the Great Molasses Flood of 1919
Learn about Boston's molasses disaster of 1919, when a storage tank burst and flooded the streets, in this latest addition to the New York Times Bestselling What Was? series.

An unusually warm winter day resulted in 2.3 million gallons of molasses flooding the North End neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. The disaster killed twenty-one people and injured 150 others. Rescue missions were launched to save people from the sticky and deadly mess, led by the Red Cross, the Army, the Navy, and the Massachusetts Nautical School. With the help of hundreds of volunteers over the course of several weeks, the streets were cleaned up. But the smell of molasses and the horror of the preventable tragedy lingered for decades to come.

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What Was the Boston Tea Party
"No Taxation without Representation!" The Boston Tea Party stands as an iconic event of the American Revolution—outraged by the tax on tea, American colonists chose to destroy the tea by dumping it into the water! Learn all about the famed colonialists who fought against the British Monarchy, and read about this act of rebellion from our history! With black-and-white illustrations throughout and sixteen pages of photos, the Boston Tea party is brought to life!

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El trato es simple: Cecelia Horner debe pasar un año en la pequeña localidad de Triple Falls, viviendo con su padre y trabajando en su fábrica. A cambio, él costeará sus estudios y, además, le dará una pequeña fortuna con la que Cecelia podrá ayudar a su madre.

Pero todo cambia cuando conoce a Sean en su primer día de trabajo. Él le presenta a sus amigos, incluido el enigmático Dominic: un grupo de chicos que parece vivir según sus propias normas, unidos por un enorme secreto y el mismo tatuaje de un cuervo.

Cecelia siempre ha sido responsable. Sin embargo, piensa vivir su último verano de libertad al máximo, pase lo que pase.

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Vive de forma que te duela marcharte
No existe nada más arriesgado que vivir siempre a seguro.

En una sociedad que evita el dolor y la incomodidad, es necesaria una llamada a la valentía. El miedo, la decepción o la tristeza no son los opuestos al amor, la ilusión o la alegría. Todo forma parte de la experiencia de vivir. Si queremos aspirar a los puntos dorados de la vida, hemos de estar dispuestos también a caer y sentir el desaliento de los puntos de sutura. La alternativa acostumbra a ser la zona media, ese espacio donde por evitar la herida cerramos las puertas a los momentos más extraordinarios. Desgraciadamente, mucha gente la elige.

Vive de forma que te duela marcharte es una filosofía de vida valiente que nos acerca a los sueños y a las conexiones profundas a través de la implicación, la autenticidad y el coraje. ¿La recompensa? Sentir que, a pesar de las heridas, nuestra existencia ha valido la pena.

Tras el éxito de El universo de lo sencillo, Pablo Arribas nos invita a ser los protagonistas de nuestra propia historia, combinando sus ya reconocidas reflexiones de crecimiento personal con sus mil y una aventuras a lo largo de su vuelta al mundo.

¿Te atreves a darle la vuelta a TU mundo?

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Vida, Mi historia a traves de la historia
Por primera vez, el papa Francisco cuenta la historia de su vida, revisitada a través de los acontecimientos que han marcado a la humanidad en los últimos ochenta años, desde el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en 1939, cuando el futuro era un niño, hasta nuestros días.

Vida es un viaje extraordinario por la historia del mundo a través de la mirada de un hombre excepcional. Con observaciones agudas y reflexiones profundas, el papa Francisco nos transporta a los sucesos más significativos de los últimos tiempos, desde el Holocausto hasta la caída del Muro de Berlín, pasando por el golpe de Videla en la Argentina y el Mundial de 1968, cuando Maradona marcó el famoso gol de la «mano de Dios».

Desde su mirada única, el pontífice comparte en estas páginas sus recuerdos y reflexiones del Holocausto, las bombas atómicas de Hiroshima y Nagasaki, el ataque a las Torres Gemelas en 2001, la recesión económica de 2008, la pandemia, la renuncia de Benedicto XVI y el cónclave que lo eligió. El «papa callejero» abre su baúl de los recuerdos y, con la franqueza que lo caracteriza, nos transmite mensajes importantes sobre las principales crisis que nos confrontan hoy en día, entre otras, la desigualdad social, la crisis climática, la guerra, la carrera armamentística, la discriminación y las luchas en favor de la vida.

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Vicent Van Gogh - Los Girasoles / Libro-Puzzle
Vincent van Gogh era tan innovador que durante su propia vida fue poco comprendido. Pero luego su creatividad, técnica y estilo único ganaron reconocimiento y fama internacional. Sus pinturas magistrales expresan la agitación interna de un alma atormentada. Lee el libro de 32 páginas sobre su vida y obras, luego monta el puzle de una de sus pinturas más famosas.

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