
Guinness World Records 2022
Descubre los récords más espectaculares sobre el planeta Tierra y los animales que lo habitan, sobre ciencia y tecnología, el espacio, deportes, videojuegos, hitos extravagantes, talentos raros... Además, incluye miles de nuevas hazañas y páginas exclusivas con récords de Latinoamérica
990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Artist's Manual
Take your creativity to the next level with the ultimate artist’s bible! Covering everything from how to draw and paint to ceramics, sculptures and printmaking, you’ll get the most out of your passion for art with this beautifully illustrated artist’s handbook. It also includes newer areas like digital art and animation — perfect for modern artists!
990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Principles for Dealing with
A few years ago, Ray Dalio noticed a confluence of political and economic conditions he hadn’t encountered before. They included huge debts and zero or near-zero interest rates that led to massive printing of money in the world’s three major reserve currencies; big political and social conflicts within countries, especially the US, due to the largest wealth, political, and values disparities in more than 100 years; and the rising of a world power (China) to challenge the existing world power (US) and the existing world order. The last time that this confluence occurred was between 1930 and 1945. This realization sent Dalio on a search for the repeating patterns and cause/effect relationships underlying all major changes in wealth and power over the last 500 years.

In this remarkable and timely addition to his Principles series, Dalio brings readers along for his study of the major empires—including the Dutch, the British, and the American—putting into perspective the “Big Cycle” that has driven the successes and failures of all the world’s major countries throughout history. He reveals the timeless and universal forces behind these shifts and uses them to look into the future, offering practical principles for positioning oneself for what’s ahead.

990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Los hijos de los dias
¿Sabía usted que el episodio más popular del catecismo católico, Adán y Eva mordiendo la manzana, en la Biblia no figura? Que el griego Eratóstenes midió la cintura del mundo, hace dos mil trescientos años, y se equivocó en noventa kilómetros? Que Aristóteles escribió sobre la mujer que es un hombre incompleto, y Santo Tomás de Aquino, que es un error de la naturaleza? Que hasta 1990 la homosexualidad fue una enfermedad mental, según la Organización Mundial de la Salud? Que al entierro de Karl Marx acudieron sólo once personas, contando al enterrador? Que hasta el año 2008 Nelson Mandela integró la lista de terroristas peligrosos para la seguridad de los Estados Unidos? Que en Haití, según una antigua tradición, el cortejo fúnebre debe conducir el ataúd en zig-zag para despistar al difunto y que ya no pueda encontrar el camino de regreso? Que cada dos semanas muere una lengua? Gestos pequeños, héroes olvidados, vidas que dejaron huella: este libro es un calendario de relatos, uno para cada día del año, que nos recuerdan que somos hijos de las historias que elegimos contarnos (y también de las que se han querido esconder o manipular). El mejor Galeano, en 366 días.

990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Patas arriba
Hace cientotreinta anos, despues de visitar el pais de las maravillas, Alicia se metio en un espejo para descubrir el mundo al reves. Si Alicia renaciera en nuestros dias, no necesitaria atravesar ningun espejo: le bastaria con asomarse a la ventana. Al fin del milenio, el mundo al reves esta a la vista: el mundo tal cual es, con la izquierda a la derecha, el ombligo a la espalda y la cabeza en

990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
7 Ways: Easy Ideas for Every
7 Ways to reinvent your favorite ingredients with more than 120 new, exciting and tasty recipesNaked Chef television personality Jamie Oliver has looked at the top ingredients we buy week in, week out. We’re talking about those meal staples we pick up without thinking – chicken breasts, salmon fillets, ground beef, eggs, potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, to name but a few. We’re all busy, but that shouldn’t stop us from having a tasty, nutritious meal after a long day at work or looking after the kids. So, rather than trying to change what we buy, Jamie wants to give everyone new inspiration for their favorite supermarket ingredients.Jamie will share 7 achievable, exciting and tasty ways to cook 18 of our favorite ingredients, and each recipe will include no more than 8 ingredients. Across the book, at least 70% of the recipes will be everyday options from both an ease and nutritional point of view, meaning you’re covered for every day of the week. With everything from fakeaways and traybakes to family and freezer favorites, you’ll find bags of inspiration to help you mix things up in the kitchen.Step up, 7 Ways, the most reader-focused cookbook Jamie has ever written.
990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
"The only love affair I have ever had was with music." Maurice Ravel

A compelling celebration of more than 90 of the world's most influential composers from the medieval period to the present day, Composers reveals the fascinating stories of their lives, loves, and works. Biographical entries - introduced with a stunning portrait of each featured composer - trace the friendships, loves, and rivalries that inspired each musical genius.

Profiles offer revealing insights into what drove each individual to create the musical masterpieces - symphonies, concertos, and operatic scores - that changed the direction of classical music and are still celebrated and treasured today.

Lavishly illustrated with paintings or photographs of each composer, alongside original musical scores and personal correspondence, images of their homes and where they worked, and personal effects and other important artifacts, the book introduces the key influences, themes, and working methods of each individual, setting their works within a wider historical and cultural context.

990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
MS Expanded Large Ruled Black
CLASSIC MOLESKINE NOTEBOOK: Moleskine classic notebooks are perfect notebooks for writing journals, a daily diary, or note taking in college classes or meetings. Moleskine notebooks are beloved by travelers & bullet journalists for their slim design.
DURABLE COVER & ELASTIC CLOSURE: Hold writing projects & notes in your Moleskine notebook with an elastic closure band & inner storage folders. Leather-like classic Moleskine cover & thick, ivory paper pages are perfect for writing with fountain pens.
GIFT QUALITY NOTEBOOKS: Moleskine planners, journals and notebooks come in hardcover or softcover and colors like black, red, blue, green and brown. The binding and cover have a durable finish, designed for daily journaling, writing and sketching.
DELUXE QUALITY PAGES: Moleskine's thick, ivory paper pages in a hardcover Moleskine notebook, softcover Moleskine notebook, cahier or volant journal, or Moleskine planner are perfectly textured for writing with a ballpoint pen, fountain pen, or pencil.
MOLESKINE QUALITY: We're dedicated to culture, travel, memory, imagination, & personal identity—both physical & digital. We bring this commitment to our notebooks, bags, apps & smart pens & notebooks.

990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Cuentos macabros Vol. 2
Edgar Allan Poe es uno de los grandes autores del siglo XIX y el indiscutible maestro del relato de terror. Este segundo volumen de lujo de Cuentos macabros presenta nueve de sus inquietantes relatos magníficamente ilustrados por el artista Benjamin Lacombe y traducidos por otro gran escritor, Julio Cortázar: «Metzengerstein», «Manuscrito hallado en una botella», «El escarabajo de oro», «La máscara de la Muerte Roja», «Eleonora», «El jugador de ajedrez de Maelzel», «El rey Peste», «Conversación con una momia» y «El Ángel de lo Singular». Al final del libro se incluye un texto de Charles Baudelaire sobre la vida y la obra de Poe, texto que el francés escribió como prólogo de la edición francesa de Narraciones extraordinarias.

985.00 L 985.00 L 985.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Una mirada íntima e introspectiva, excepcional y portentosa, a la personalidad de la genial artista y uno de los principales iconos de la cultura latinoamericana del siglo XX. Como si fuera un libro de pensamientos, Sébastien Perez alterna sus textos poéticos con extractos de los cuadernos personales de Frida que nos transmiten sus más profundas emociones, mientras que Benjamin Lacombe las plasma en ilustraciones y nos transporta a lo más hondo de su alma a través de una sucesión de páginas troqueladas.

985.00 L 985.00 L 985.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
The Woman in Me
980.00 L 980.00 L 980.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
El pez en el agua
El pez en el agua es un libro cargado de experiencias que se nos muestran desnudas y sinceras, sin recurrir a la ficción, acompañadas tan sólo de la prosa hipnótica, reveladora y magistral de Mario Vargas Llosa.

980.00 L 490.00 L 490.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Good to Great
Brought to you by Penguin.

Can a good company become a great one? If so, how?

After a five-year research project, Jim Collins concludes that good to great can and does happen. In this book, he uncovers the underlying variables that enable any type of organisation to make the leap from good to great while other organisations remain only good. Rigorously supported by evidence, his findings are surprising - at times even shocking - to the modern mind.

Good to Great achieves a rare distinction: a management book full of vital ideas that reads as well as a fast-paced novel. It is widely regarded as one of the most important business books ever written.

980.00 L 980.00 L 980.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Crave 4: Fulgor
Nadie sobrevivió ileso a la última batalla. Flint está enfadado con el mundo, Jaxon se está convirtiendo en algo que no reconozco, y Hudson ha levantado un muro que no estoy segura de poder romper.

Ahora se acerca una guerra y no estamos listos. Necesitaríamos un ejército para tener alguna esperanza de ganar. Pero antes de eso necesito encontrar respuestas a las incógnitas sobre mis antepasados. Respuestas que podrían revelar quién es el verdadero monstruo entre nosotros… en un mundo lleno de vampiros sedientos de sangre, gárgolas inmortales y una antigua batalla entre dos dioses.

No hay garantía de que nadie se quede en pie cuando el polvo se asiente, pero si queremos salvar este mundo, no tengo otra opción. Tendré que abrazar cada parte de mí ... incluso las partes que más temo.

Serie Crave. Ya forma parte de ti

980.00 L 980.00 L 980.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Guia esencial del queso
Nadie puede poner en duda que el queso es uno de los alimentos más prodigiosos en el mundo entero. El queso al contrario que otros alimentos o ingredientes culinarios, no es un producto "de moda", algo que la gente come por esnobismo, como sucede con otros productos, sino que sus raíces se remontan a los tiempos más antiguos de la historia de la humanidad. Ya el poeta Homero lo mencionó en la Ilíada, y figuró también en la Biblia. El queso fue uno de los alimentos preferidos de griegos y romanos, en la época de los Césares, y en Egipto lo consumían hecho con leche de vaca o de camella, siendo considerado como uno de sus alimentos básicos.
980.00 L 980.00 L 980.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Mi gran caja de magia
This colorful bilingual collection features a complete library of 8 sturdy board books!

My food/ MI comida
My shapes/ Mis formas
My opposites/ Mis opuestos
My numbers/ Mis números
My toys/ Mis juguetes
My clothes/ Mi ropa
My colors/ Mis colores
My animals/ Mis animales

980.00 L 980.00 L 980.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Friends forever
A fully illustrated and authorized episode guide celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the hit-television show Friends, including a look behind-the-scenes of cult-favorite episodes, exclusive photos from Warner Bros., brand new interviews with show creators Marta Kauffman, David Crane, and set designer John Shaffner, and more.The beloved show Friends introduced the world to six young New Yorkers living together, falling in love, breaking up (cue Ross's "We were on a break!"), and getting into hilarious shenanigans, which became an instant classic formula that inspired dozens of "hangout sitcoms" long after the show's reign. But no sitcom has ever come close to the series that started it all, spawning iconic looks like "the Rachel" and timeless catchphrases like "How you doin'?" while creating a cultural sensation that catapulted the cast members to instant mega-stardom.Throughout the show's ten- season run, viewers watched Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Ross, Chandler, and Joey navigate their twenties and thirties with unwavering friendship, determination, and, of course, plenty of sarcasm. Friends Forever takes fans back to the set where it all began with exclusive photos of the sitcom that won four Primetime Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Comedy Series, eleven People's Choice Awards, and a Golden Globe for Jennifer Aniston for Best Lead Actress in a Television Series. This fully illustrated episode guide will treat readers to nostalgic flashbacks of the top one hundred episodes and sneak peeks of how popularly referenced lines from the show came to be. Friends Forever also boasts new interviews with show creators David Crane and Marta Kauffman on how the show got its start and set designer John Shaffner who reveals his inspirations behind the iconic looks behind Monica’s and Rachel’s apartment and Central Perk.
980.00 L 980.00 L 980.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Secret Wars
The Marvel Universe is no more! The interdimensional Incursions have eliminated each and every alternate universe one by one. And now — despite the best efforts of the scientists, sages and superhumans — the Marvel Universe and Ultimate Universe have collided...and been destroyed! All that exists in the vast empty cosmos is a single, titanic patchwork planet made of the fragmented remains of hundreds of devastated dimensions: Battleworld! And the survivors of this multiversal catastrophe all bend their knee to Battleworld's master: Doctor Doom! What strange creatures inhabit this world? Which familiar faces will return? And what happens when Battleworld's various domains go to war? The Marvel Universe is dead — and the victors of the Secret Wars will determine what comes next!

980.00 L 980.00 L 980.0 HNL Añadir al carrito