
Witch Hat Atelier 7

As the new trial comes to an end, one of Coco's rewards from Beldaruit the Wise is the story of Qifrey's past and how he came to desire the mysteries of magic. Feeling a connection with her own desire to save her mother, Coco departs for the source of all answers: the Tower of Tomes. But it is a perilous journey to make on her own, and the secrets held within could sway even the most virtuous of witches...

390.00 L 390.00 L 390.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Witch Hat Atelier 6

Coco and her peers follow Olruggio and Luluci as they deftly ferry a wounded Qifrey to the underwater Great Hall where witches gather. To their surprise, Beldaruit of the Three Wise Ones awaits the young apprentices at the bottom of the ocean... And he's willing to offer another trial after Agott's and Richeh's was cut short. But the spells and tests of Beldaruit are as much a mystery to unfold as his past, and Coco may be the only one who can put the pieces together and close in on the startling truth...

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Witch Hat Atelier 5

Peril abounds as the witches of Qifrey's atelier continue their trials!

In the depths of the Serpentback Cave, a brimmed cap casts its murky shadow upon Qifrey and his apprentices. The brimmed cap's dark magic has transformed Euini into a wild beast, and Coco, Tetia, and a critically injured Qifrey find themselves surrounded by the venomous stares of the cursed Romonons. In the face of doom, these witches must once again find a path to safety using their wits and their unique qualities, but will that be enough as they battle against a powerful new enemy who doesn't play by the rules?

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Witch Hat Atelier 4
A beautifully-illustrated story about a girl who longs for magic in her life and learns that, on the inside, she already is what she wishes she could be. Reminiscent of Studio Ghibli, this lushly-drawn story was voted one of the top 10 manga of the year in 2018 by the Japanese manga industry.


Can Coco and her friends pass their most harrowing test yet? Or will the nefarious Brimmed Caps end their journey towards witch-hood?!
Now that Coco has been fully accepted into Qifrey's Atelier, it's time for her and her colleagues to move onto the next test: The Sincerity of the Shield. Passing the test involves escorting some feathery friends to their nesting grounds, which sounds simple enough, except that the path before the young witches is a winding road filled with ancient magical traps! The test must also be completed in a group, and there's one witch-in-training from outside of Qifrey's atelier who doesn't seem to have the confidence to make the cut. To top it all off, a Brimmed Cap lurks in the shadows, waiting to attack...

390.00 L 390.00 L 390.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Witch Hat Atelier 3
A beautifully-illustrated story about a girl who longs for magic in her life and learns that, on the inside, she already is what she wishes she could be. Reminiscent of Studio Ghibli, this lushly-drawn story was voted one of the top 10 manga of the year in 2018 by the Japanese manga industry.


Cast yourself into the world of witches as Qifrey chases after the dark mysteries of the Brimmed Caps! With some quick thinking and ingenuity, Coco and her fellow classmates use their growing magic skills to save some locals from a grim fate. But this triumph nearly turns to tragedy as the Knights Moralis threaten the young witches with severe punishment for disturbing the natural order of magic. Qifrey convinces the Knights to overlook this issue, but a peculiar happening related to this incident puts him onto the trail of the same forbidden magic that brought Coco into his atelier. This may be Qifrey's only chance to come into contact with the Brimmed Caps, but is he in over his head to engage in this treacherous pursuit on his own?

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Witch Hat Atelier 2
A beautifully-illustrated story about a girl who longs for magic in her life and learns that, on the inside, she already is what she wishes she could be. Reminiscent of Studio Ghibli, this lushly-drawn story was voted one of the top 10 manga of the year in 2018 by the Japanese manga industry.


Join Coco as she continues her spellbinding journey of magic and discovery!

After traveling to the mystical township of Kalhn with her new master to buy a casting wand, a strange, masked witch transports Coco and her three sister apprentices to an eerily quiet city. But they soon find out that they're not alone, and they encounter a ferocious dragon! Do these fledgling witches have what it takes to defeat the fire-breathing beast, or will their plans and lives go up in flames?!

390.00 L 390.00 L 390.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Witch Hat Atelier 1
A beautifully-illustrated story about a girl who longs for magic in her life and learns that, on the inside, she already is what she wishes she could be. Reminiscent of Studio Ghibli, this lushly-drawn story has captured the hearts of fantasy fans worldwide.

In a world where everyone takes wonders like magic spells and dragons for granted, Coco is a girl with a simple dream: She wants to be a witch. But everybody knows magicians are born, not made, and Coco was not born with a gift for magic. Resigned to her un-magical life, Coco is about to give up on her dream to become a witch...until the day she meets Qifrey, a mysterious, traveling magician. After secretly seeing Qifrey perform magic in a way she's never seen before, Coco soon learns what everybody "knows" might not be the truth, and discovers that her magical dream may not be as far away as it may seem...

390.00 L 390.00 L 390.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Wish. Libro de arte y deseos
¡Inspírate en el universo de Wish para despertar a tu artista interior! Deja que Asha, Valentino y Star te ayuden a explorar tus habilidades artísticas mientras dibujas, creas y la magia de tus sueños cobra vida. ¡Abre este libro y conviértete en el artista que siempre deseaste ser!

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Wish. La novela
Wish te lleva a una tierra de cuentos de hadas en donde los sueños se hacen realidad. Cuando Asha, una joven llena de esperanza, pide un deseo desde el corazón, una pequeña bola de energía cósmica llamada Star le responde. Juntas deberán enfrentarse a un formidable adversario para salvar a su gente y demostrar que cuando una valiente humana conecta con la magia de las estrellas, pueden suceder cosas maravillosas.

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Don't miss Barbara O'Connor's other middle-grade work―like Wonderland; How to Steal a Dog; Greetings from Nowhere; Fame and Glory in Freedom, Georgia; The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester; and more!

A touching, New York Times–bestselling story about a girl and her dog, perfect for young animal lovers.

Eleven-year-old Charlie Reese has been making the same secret wish every day since fourth grade. She even has a list of all the ways there are to make the wish, such as cutting off the pointed end of a slice of pie and wishing on it as she takes the last bite. But when she is sent to the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina to live with family she barely knows, it seems unlikely that her wish will ever come true. That is until she meets
Wishbone, a skinny stray dog who captures her heart, and Howard, a neighbor boy who proves surprising in lots of ways. Suddenly Charlie is in serious danger of discovering that what she thought she wanted may not be what she needs at all.

From award-winning author Barbara O'Connor comes a middle-grade novel about a girl who, with the help of a true-blue friend, a big-hearted aunt and uncle, and the dog of her dreams, unexpectedly learns the true meaning of family in the least likely of places.

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Wires and nerve**Español
El mundo de las Crónicas Lunares vuelve a cobrar vida en esta emocionante continuación de WIRES AND NERVE. Iko y Liam kinney deberán atrapar a Lysander Steele y su manada rebelde antes de que destruyan el frágil acuerdo de paz entre la Tierra y Luna.

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Wire and Nerve

La primera novela gráfica de la autora best seller Marissa Meyer, vuelve aún más grande el mundo de Crónicas Lunares con una historia completamente nueva y repleta de acción. Esta aventura tiene como protagonista a Iko, la androide con un corazón (mecánico) de oro. Cuando unas manadas de soldados lobo amenazan la frágil alianza de paz entre la Tierra y Luna, Iko se propone cazar a su líder. Pronto estará trabajando con un guapo guardia real que la obligará a cuestionarse todo lo que sabe sobre el amor, la lealtad y su propia humanidad. Con apariciones como las de Cinder, Cress, Scarlet, Winter y el resto de la tripulación de la Rampion, esta historia es una lectura obligada para los fanáticos de la serie.

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Winter* Español
Había una vez… una joven princesa que era tan hermosa como la luz del día; que era aún más hermosa que la propia reina.
Cinder y sus compañeros lograron suspender la boda real.
El nuevo plan es lograr lo imposible: la rebelión en Luna, pero un solo paso en falso puede acabar con la vida y los sueños de todos.
Lo que Cinder aún no sabe es que en Luna encontrará una aliada decisiva: una joven que con su belleza y su bondad puede ser la clave para destronar a la reina Levana.
¿Será Winter, la muchacha frágil e ingenua, la que les muestre a los lunares que existe una vida más allá de la manipulación y del terror?
En el último tomo de Crónicas Lunares, Marissa Meyer cierra maravillosamente una historia que te mantuvo en vilo, te enamoró de sus protagonistas y te hizo desear el tan esperado "y vivieron felices por siempre".
Con la magia de un cuento de hadas y la emoción vertiginosa de la ficción distópica, Crónicas Lunares atrapa al lector desde la primera página.

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Princess Winter is admired by the Lunar people for her grace and kindness, and despite the scars that mar her face, her beauty is said to be even more breathtaking than that of her stepmother, Queen Levana.

Winter despises her stepmother, and knows Levana won't approve of her feelings for her childhood friend―the handsome palace guard, Jacin. But Winter isn't as weak as Levana believes her to be and she's been undermining her stepmother's wishes for years. Together with the cyborg mechanic, Cinder, and her allies, Winter might even have the power to launch a revolution and win a war that's been raging for far too long. Can Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, and Winter defeat Levana and find their happily ever afters?

Fans will not want to miss this thrilling final installment in the national bestselling Lunar Chronicles series.

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Winston Churchill: Sus tiempos, sus crimenes
Retratado por la crónica hagiográfica dominante como el heroe de la resistencia contra Hitler durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y convertido en uno de los símbolos de la democracia europea -lo que se encargan de recordar aún en nuestros días un sinfín de camisetas, citas y discursos de coaching-, Winston Churchill ha pasado a la historia con mayor gloria que pena. En un ejercicio de justicia histórica, Tariq Ali se propone aquí desenterrar las palabras y, sobre todo, los actos que han quedado ocultos bajo la larga sombra del político británico más celebre de todos los tiempos.

En Winston Churchill: Sus tiempos, sus crímenes, Tariq Ali dibuja una breve historia mundial del sanguinario declive del Imperio británico y analiza acontecimientos a menudo olvidados, como la catastrófica Partición de la India, la represión en Malasia o la campaña contra el movimiento de liberación en Kenia. En el plano personal, revela la simpatía y admiración que Churchill sentía por los fascismos europeos, y dibuja los rasgos de una mentalidad que le llevó a excluir de su defensa de los valores democráticos a los pueblos colonizados, al movimiento obrero organizado o a las mujeres.

960.00 L 960.00 L 960.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Winnie-the-Pooh Classic Edition Gift Set
A deluxe two-book set of A.A. Milne’s classic stories about Winnie-the-Pooh in beautiful collectible edition formats. The perfect gift for any occasion and an essential part of every family’s bookshelf.

For almost a century, Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends—Piglet, Owl, Tigger, Kanga, Roo, and the ever doleful Eeyore—have endured as the unforgettable creations of A. A. Milne, who wrote two books of Pooh’s adventures for his son, Christopher Robin, and Ernest H. Shepard, who lovingly gave them shape through his iconic and beautiful illustrations. These characters and their stories are timeless treasures of childhood that continue to speak to all of us with the kind of freshness and heart that distinguishes true storytelling.

This deluxe two-book set includes the classic gift editions of Winnie-the-Pooh and The House at Pooh Corner. Each title is artfully crafted in the style of the American first editions, with gold foil stamping and illustrated endpapers.

The perfect gift for holiday, to welcome a new baby, or for your favorite collector and book lover.

990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Wings of Fire 4: The dark secret
The Wings of Fire saga continues with a visit to the mysterious land of the NightWings, where Starflight must face a terrible choice - his home, or his friends?

The dragonets of destiny are on their way to see the NightWings - and Starflight doesn't need his psychic powers to know it isn't going to go well.

Starflight knows it's his duty as a NightWing to convince the other dragonets to choose Blister as queen. But he can't help feeling that there's something Morrowseer and the other NightWings aren't telling him, something that could put his friends in grave danger. While other NightWings have their powers to help them, Starflight has to rely on his brain - and with SkyWings chasing them and Queen Burn on their tails, that might not be enough.

270.00 L 270.00 L 270.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Wings of Fire 3 THe Hidden Kingdom
The #1 New York Times and USA Today bestselling Wings of Fire series flies to another epic adventure, this time in the secretive Rainforest Kingdom, where only the quickest and cleverest dragonets survive.
Deep in the rain forest, danger awaits . . .

Glory the knows that the dragon world is wrong about her being "a lazy RainWing." Maybe she wasn't meant to be one of the dragonets of destiny, but Glory is sharp and her venom is deadly . . . even if it's also still a secret.

So when the dragonets seek shelter in the rain forest, Glory is devastated to find that the treetops are full of RainWings who nap all day and know nothing of the rest of Pyrrhia. Worst of all, they don't realize -- or care -- that RainWings are going missing from their beautiful forest.

But Glory and the dragonets are determined to find the missing dragons, even if it drags the peaceful RainWing kingdom where they never wanted to be -- into the middle of the war.

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Wings of Fire 2: The Lost Heir
The Wings of Fire saga continues with a thrilling underwater adventure--and a mystery that will change everything!
The lost heir to the SeaWing throne is going home at last.She can't believe it's finally happening. Tsunami and her fellow dragonets of destiny are journeying under the water to the great SeaWing Kingdom. Stolen as an egg from the royal hatchery, Tsunami is eager to meet her future subjects and reunite with her mother, Queen Coral.But Tsunami's triumphant return doesn't go quite the way she imagined. Queen Coral welcomes her with open wings, but a mysterious assassin has been killing off the queen's heirs for years, and Tsunami may be the next target. The dragonets came to the SeaWings for protection, but this ocean hides secrets, betrayal--and perhaps even death.

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Wineries of the World: Architecture and Viniculture
Twenty-five beautifully made wineries by contemporary architects the world over illustrate the connection between winery design and the modern movement toward integrating wine-making with lifestyle and the enjoyment of living.

Wineries of the World celebrates the architecture and design of contemporary viniculture. From a vineyard in Napa Valley in the U.S., to an Italian winery estate in the hills of Tuscany, to an Australian enterprise at the cutting edge of organic viniculture, the projects featured are all exemplars of the finest taste in both wine and design, and increasingly popular destinations for wine lovers.

With the rise in destination travel by wine lovers over the past years, vintners the world over have embraced the opportunity to create splendid spaces for visitors to enjoy unique varieties alongside good company. Rather than repeat established, even ancient traditions cultivated over centuries throughout Europe, the contemporary architecture of wine has become a modern celebration of place, reflecting the topography of the landscape in which a winery is situated, the agricultural heritage, and at times the regional vernacular. Ultimately, these projects comprise an expression of bold vision coupled with a passion for sustainability and design.

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