
Judy Moody y la lista de los deseos
Inventar algo, ir a la Antártida, resolver un misterio…Después de que la abuela Lou le explica qué es una lista de deseos, Judy Moody se apresura a hacer la suya. ¿Podrá cumplir todos los puntos? Más le vale darse prisa si quiere hacerlo… ¡antes de pasar a cuarto grado!

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Los 150 chistes favoritos de Timba Vk
¡Buenas, chiribiquis!

Aquí os traigo una selección de mis chistes favoritos de todos los que he ido aprendiendo durante este tiempo. Con algunos os reiréis a carcajadas y con otros os darán ganas de tirarme tomates…, pero espero que los disfrutéis tanto como yo.

En esta recopilación tenéis para todos los gustos: sobre mamás y papás y sobre médicos; chistes cortos y chistes largos; chistes de animales y de policías y ladrones…

Podéis proponerles un reto a vuestros amigos y jugar con ellos a «Si te ríes, pierdes». Con estos chistes, se lo pondréis muy difícil, pero… ¿seréis capaces de aguantar las carcajadas y superarlo?

460.00 L 460.00 L 460.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Los mejores cuentos de piratas
Aventureros sin escrúpulos y astutos saqueadores de los mares coquetean con la horca, dispuestos a cualquier cosa con tal de acumular tesoros y riquezas... Los piratas son los protagonistas de esta colección de relatos, para leer en voz alta en familia o con los amigos, para vivir asaltos, abordajes y búsquedas de tesoros marcadas por las emociones más fuertes. Entre historia y fantasía, los pequeños lectores conocerán las rocambolescas hazañas de los y las piratas más famosos y famosas de la literatura y la historia: Edward Teach (el triste Barbanegra), el capitán Kidd, el Corsario Negro, Mary Read, Anne Bonny o los habituales visitantes de la isla caribeña de la Tortuga. Entre espectaculares batallas navales, duelos a punta de espada, tiroteos salvajes, secuestros y fragorosos cañonazos, estos forajidos fascinantes os acompañarán en un sinfín de aventuras y os transportarán a un mundo legendario donde el honor, la honestidad y la justicia chocan con el ansia de riqueza, la falta de escrúpulos y la avaricia.

490.00 L 490.00 L 490.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Enola Holmes 1. El caso del marquez..
Llegan las aventuras de Enola Holmes, la hemana pequeña del célebre detective Sherlock Holmes.

Londres, 1889. La hermana pequeña del célebre Sherlock Holmes, Enola Holmes, ha decidido vivir sola a raíz de la repentina desaparición de su madre.

Tras escapar de la vigilancia de sus hermanos, y al amparo de una identidad falsa, monta un gabinete como «especialista en investigar todo tipo de desapariciones». Para su sorpresa, su primer cliente es el mismísimo doctor Watson, que anda buscándola a ella pero por suerte no la reconoce.

Enola no puede ayudar a Watson, pero se interesa por otro caso que él le menciona: la desaparición, en los peligrosos bajos fondos londinenses, de la hija de un barón, Lady Cecily Alistair, una adolescente nada convencional...
410.00 L 410.00 L 410.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Alcatraz contra los bibliotecarios
Alcatraz contra los Bibliotecarios Malvados es la primera novela de la exitosa y divertidísima saga homónima de Brandon Sanderson, una serie de aventuras fantásticas juvenil y apta para todos los públicos.

En su decimotercer cumpleaños, el huérfano Alcatraz Smedry recibe un curioso paquete: una bolsa de arena, herencia de sus padres, que han desaparecido. La bolsa es robada de inmediato, y entonces Alcatraz comprende que no se trata de una arena cualquiera. Con ella, los Bibliotecarios Malvados que controlan en secreto algunos de los países más poderosos del mundo podrán controlar también algunos de los Reinos Libres.

Alcatraz y un grupo de chicos inusuales se convertirán en los encargados de luchar contra ellos y acabar con los Bibliotecarios de una vez por todas.

690.00 L 690.00 L 690.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Los Compas 6. Los Compas y la En..
Algo terrible está a punto de ocurrir en Ciudad Cubo y solo unos héroes de verdad podrán evitarlo…

Cuando Los Compas regresan del espacio, empiezan a suceder cosas muy extrañas en Ciudad Cubo. Un enorme cráter ha aparecido en el lugar donde aterrizaron y por toda la ciudad hay un rastro de una misteriosa masa negra y viscosa. ¿Estará todo relacionado?

Esta vez Mike, Trolli y Timba no lo tendrán nada fácil. Están a punto de enfrentarse a su peor pesadilla.

El fin del mundo se acerca y un solo error puede tener consecuencias fatales…

490.00 L 490.00 L 490.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Guinness World Records 2022
Descubre los récords más espectaculares sobre el planeta Tierra y los animales que lo habitan, sobre ciencia y tecnología, el espacio, deportes, videojuegos, hitos extravagantes, talentos raros... Además, incluye miles de nuevas hazañas y páginas exclusivas con récords de Latinoamérica
990.00 L 990.00 L 990.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who Was Julia Child
Born in California in 1912, Julia Child enlisted in the Army and met her future husband, Paul, during World War II. She discovered her love of French food while stationed in Paris and enrolled in Le Cordon Bleu cooking school after her service. Child knew that Americans would love French food as much as she did, so she wrote Mastering the Art of French Cooking in 1961. The book was a success and the public wanted more. America fell in love with Julia Child. Her TV show, The French Chef, premiered in 1963 and brought the bubbling and lovable chef into millions of homes. Find out more about this beloved chef, author, and TV personality in Who Was Julia Child?
180.00 L 180.00 L 180.0 HNL Añadir al carrito
Who Was Jackie Robinson
As a kid, Jackie Robinson loved sports. And why not? He was a natural at football, basketball, and, of course, baseball. But beyond athletic skill, it was his strength of character that secured his place in sports history. In 1947 Jackie joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, breaking the long-time color barrier in major league baseball. It was tough being first- not only did "fans" send hate mail but some of his own teammates refused to accept him. Here is an inspiring sports biography, with black-and-white illustrations throughout.
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Who Was Elvis Presley
Put on your blue suede shoes and get ready for another addition to the Who Was…? series! The King could not have come from humbler origins: Born in Tupelo, Mississippi, during the Depression, he grew up with the blues music of the rural South, the gospel music of local churches, and the country-western classics. But he forged a sound all his own—and a look that was all his own, too. With curled lip, swiveling hips, and greased pompadour, Elvis changed popular music forever, ushering in the age of rock and roll. Geoff Edgers’s fascinating biography of this icon of American pop culture includes black and- white illustrations on nearly every spread.
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Who Was Dr. Seuss
Ted Geisel loved to doodle from the time he was a kid. He had an offbeat, fun-loving personality. He often threw dinner parties where guests wore outrageous hats! And he donned quirky hats when thinking up ideas for books- like his classic The Cat in the Hat. This biography, with black-and-white illustrations throughout, brings an amazingly gifted author/illustrator to life.
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Who Was Che Guevara
Viva la revolución! Find out how Che Guevara--a doctor turned communist leader and much more than a face on a T-shirt--ended up paying the ultimate price for his cause.Viva la revolución!Find out how Che Guevara--a doctor turned communist leader and much more than a face on a T-shirt--ended up paying the ultimate price for his cause.His very image has become associated with a spirit of rebellion, but Ernesto Guevara--known around the world simply as Che--didn't dream of becoming a revolutionary. Author Ellen Labrecque takes readers on a journey through Che's life starting with his childhood in Argentina, to his travels through South and Central America as a young physician, and ending with his final years as a key player in the Cuban revolution. His legacy--as the author of The Motorcycle Diaries, a champion of the poor, and a force for change in Cuba--is both personal and political.
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Who Was Celia Cruz
Although her family and friends know her as Úrsula Hilaria Celia de la Caridad Cruz Alfonso, the world refers to her simply as Celia Cruz. Starting her career in 1950, Celia grew increasingly popular as the new lead singer of the Cuban band Sonora Matancera. Her exceptional vocal range and flashy costumes made fans fall in love with her.Celia's talent took her all around the world, including the United States. After Fidel Castro came to power in Cuba, she wasn't allowed to return to her native country. She and other Cubans who were exiled used their music to express their love for their homeland.Celia rose to the top of the charts in a genre that was dominated by men. She become an award-winning singer and the most popular Latin artist of the twentieth century. Azucar! indeed!
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Who Was Beatrix Potter
Born into wealth in 1860’s London, Beatrix Potter always had a vivid imagination. Her early interests included natural history and archaeology, and Potter delighted in sketching fossils and fungi. After briefly illustrating Christmas cards with her brother, Bertram, Potter wrote and illustrated her well-known book, The Tale of Peter Rabbit. The book was rejected by several publishes until Frederick Warne eventually took a risk and published the story in 1902 - a risk that paid off. Peter Rabbit was a huge success and readers loved hearing about Peter's mischevious adventures in the lush English countryside. As she got older, Beatrix Potter became a proud conservationist, working hard to defend the landscape she loved so well against industrialization and logging. Now over one hundred years old, Peter Rabbit and his animal friends have become cultural touchstones and continue to delight readers of all ages.
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Who Was Alfred Hitchcock
Discover the story behind the Battle of Gettysburg through the eyes of war reporter Alfred Waud in this compelling graphic novel -- written and illustrated by National Book Award-longlisted creator Ellen T. Crenshaw.Discover the story behind the Battle of Gettysburg through the eyes of war reporter Alfred Waud in this compelling graphic novel -- written and illustrated by National Book Award-longlisted creator Ellen T. Crenshaw.Presenting Who HQ Graphic Novels: an exciting new addition to the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Who Was? series!See the Battle of Gettysburg through the eyes Alfred Waud, a special artist and war correspondent whose depiction of Pickett's Charge is thought to be the only visual account by an eyewitness. A story of extreme risk, strife, and the search for truth, this graphic novel invites readers to immerse themselves into the crucial Civil War battle -- brought to life by gripping narrative and vivid full-color illustrations that jump off the page.
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Who Is R. L. Stine
R. L. Stine began writing stories at the age of nine, after finding a typewriter in his family's attic. (Was it a haunted typewriter? Who can be sure?) Often referred to as the "Stephen King of children's literature," R.L. has created some of the scariest books to have ever been passed around a campfire, leaving readers wide awake at night. With over 400 million copies of his horror fiction novels sold across the world, R.L. Stine is one of the best-selling authors in history.
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Who Is Neil deGrasse Tyson
When he was nine years old, Neil deGrasse Tyson went on a trip that would change his life. While visiting the Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History in New York City, he discovered the world of astronomy and felt like the universe was calling to him. He answered that call by diving deep into astronomy courses. After graduating from the Bronx High School of Science, he went on to earn a doctorate in astrophysics and eventually found his way back to the Hayden Planetarium as a staff scientist and, later, as its director.
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Who Is Michael Jordan
Grab your Js and hit the court with this Who Was? biography about NBA superstar Michael Jordan.Grab your Js and hit the court with this Who Was? biography about NBA superstar Michael Jordan.Meet the man who changed the game forever. Michael Jordan has always been competitive--even as a young boy, he fought for attention. His need to be the best made him a star player on his college basketball team and helped him become an NBA legend, both for his skills and his endorsements. His Nike contract for Air Jordan basketball shoes set an unmatched precedent for professional athletes. Author Kirsten Anderson takes readers through each exciting moment, detailing the iconic reverse lay-ups and jump shots of Michael Jordan's storied career.
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Who is J.K. Rowling
Everyone loves Harry Potter. Now kids can learn about Harry's creator!In 1995, on a four-hour-delayed train from Manchester to London, J. K. Rowling conceived of the idea of a boy wizard named Harry Potter. Upon arriving in London, she began immediately writing the first book in the saga. Rowling's true-life, rags-to-riches story is as compelling as the world of Hogwarts that she created. This biography details not only Rowling's life and her love of literature but the story behind the creation of a modern classic.
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Who Is Greta Thunberg
When she was just fifteen years old, Greta Thunberg knew she wanted to change the world. With a hand-painted sign that read "School strike for the climate" in Swedish, Greta sat alone on the steps of the Swedish parliament to call for stronger action on climate change. Her one-person strike would soon spark a worldwide movement. This exciting story details the defining moments in Greta's childhood that led up to her now-famous strike and all the monumental ones that have fueled her revolution since, including being named Time's Most Influential Person of the Year in 2019.
160.00 L 160.00 L 160.0 HNL Añadir al carrito